Tutor Reading & Writing Online Bundles
Enhance achievement through a targeted approach school or class wide.
Tutor Writing Online Bundle
The writing process, assessing programme suitability and the seven excellences in teaching
The Brenda Lofthouse Parent Tutors in Writing programme and why it is successful.
Teaching tutors to run effective sessions.
Student assessment and analysis process
Design, implement and monitor a school or class-wide programme step by step.
Learning bundle includes.
Access to 4 online modules
Brenda Lofthouse Parent Tutors in Writing handbook/ Set of written letter tiles
Email mentoring and support
A copy of the Wobbly Kids - Guide for schools and teachers.
Programme Investment $450.00 plus GST
Tutor Reading Online Bundle
This course will provide you with the professional knowledge and teaching skills to:
Identify reader types from the research
Implement the seven excellences in teaching
Understand the components of successful reading programmes
Categorise the needs of students you are working with
Implement effective tutor reading training for support staff, community volunteers and parents.
Know and carry out the steps to establish an effective reading support programme.
Understand the developmental nature of comprehension skills.
Train support staff to deliver effective comprehension training.
Monitor programme effectiveness through pre and post-testing
Learning bundle includes.
Access to 4 online modules
Brenda Lofthouse Parent Tutors in Reading handbook
Email mentoring and support
A copy of the Wobbly Kids - Guide for schools and teachers.
Access to the coaching and mentoring programme
Programme Investment $450.00 plus GST