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  • Writer's pictureJenny Tebbutt

Today, with so many children underachieving in education, the call for change has never been greater

This Einstein quote always reminds me of the saying “If we always do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always gotten.”

22% of children have learning differences and their needs are not met by the current education system.

Internationally, it is recognised that 40% of children’s needs have not been met by our traditional balanced/ whole language literacy approach.

Teachers are regularly telling me that since the pandemic more than 50% of their children have additional need – learning, social, emotional, behavioural, anxiety, etc

Teacher training has not prepared teachers for this reality, and most are feeling the effects of burnout and exhaustion.

Through systemic change and teacher training, we can make a positive difference.

There are solutions to the problems out there –probably more than you think.

As a school, as leaders, and as teachers, make a decision today to be part of the change we want to see in schools and seek out opportunities where you can “be the change we want to see in education.”

To find out more, join a free individual or whole school workshop or join our website blog:

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