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Jenny Tebbutt
What is a screening assessment, and should I learn how to do this?
Much of our current assessment measures student academic achievement – whether students are at, above, or below their chronological age....
Jenny Tebbutt
What are underpinning weaknesses?As an educator do I need to know about them?
Many students fit the mainstream/second wave underachieving group. They have barriers to learning that have impacted achievement.
Jenny Tebbutt
Have you ever wondered why some children persistently underachieve despite attempts at intervention?
In any given classroom we always have a few learners who learn easily. All they seem to require is some learning resources and some...
Jenny Tebbutt
Today, with so many children underachieving in education, the call for change has never been greater
This Einstein quote always reminds me of the saying “If we always do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always...
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